Abstract (may include machine translation)
In kaum einer anderen Region führten die zwischen Antike und Mittelalter sich abspielenden Wanderungsbewegungen und politischen Umbrüche zu einem so deutlichen Strukturwandel wie auf dem Balkan. Unter den in den Balkanraum eindringenden Völkerschaften befanden sich auch mehrere, von den Zeitgenossen "Bulgaren" genannte Gruppen. Ab dem Ende des 7. Jh. gelang es diesen, im Bereich der unteren Donau einen stabilen multiethnisch strukturierten Herrschaftsverband zu etablieren. Mitte des 9. Jh. beschleunigte sich der kontinuierliche Wandel von einem steppenvölkisch geprägten Verband zu einem komplex strukturierten Reich. Entscheidende Impulse erhielt dieser Prozess durch die Übernahme des Christentums in seiner byzantinischen Prägung. Bulgarien wurde zum Nährboden einer christlich-slawischen Kultur, die einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf große Teile des mittelalterlichen Osteuropa ausübte. Das vorliegende Buch entwirft ein neues Bild der Genese des bulgarischen Reiches und leistet zugleich einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der historischen Wurzeln dieses im gegenwärtigen europäischen Integrationsprozess sich dynamisch verändernden Landes
In hardly any other region did the migration movements and political upheavals that took place between antiquity and the Middle Ages lead to such a significant structural change as in the Balkans. Among the peoples invading the Balkan region were several groups called "Bulgarians" by contemporaries. From the end of the 7th century, they succeeded in establishing a stable multi-ethnically structured ruling association in the area of the lower Danube. In the middle of the 9th century, the continuous change from a steppe ethnic association to a complexly structured empire accelerated. This process received decisive impetus from the adoption of Christianity in its Byzantine form. Bulgaria became the breeding ground for a Christian-Slavic culture that exerted a significant influence on large parts of medieval Eastern Europe. This book paints a new picture of the genesis of the Bulgarian Empire and at the same time contributes to the understanding of the historical roots of this country, which is dynamically changing in the current process of European integration.
In hardly any other region did the migration movements and political upheavals that took place between antiquity and the Middle Ages lead to such a significant structural change as in the Balkans. Among the peoples invading the Balkan region were several groups called "Bulgarians" by contemporaries. From the end of the 7th century, they succeeded in establishing a stable multi-ethnically structured ruling association in the area of the lower Danube. In the middle of the 9th century, the continuous change from a steppe ethnic association to a complexly structured empire accelerated. This process received decisive impetus from the adoption of Christianity in its Byzantine form. Bulgaria became the breeding ground for a Christian-Slavic culture that exerted a significant influence on large parts of medieval Eastern Europe. This book paints a new picture of the genesis of the Bulgarian Empire and at the same time contributes to the understanding of the historical roots of this country, which is dynamically changing in the current process of European integration.
Translated title of the contribution | From itinerant people to great power: The emergence of Bulgaria in the early Middle Ages (7th-9th centuries) |
Original language | German |
State | Published - 2007 |
Publication series
Name | Kölner Historische Abhandlungen |
Volume | 43 |