Ukrainian Crisis and Behavior of Highly Skills Ukrainian Labor: "I Will Migrate Only If It Will Be Interesting For Me"

I Molodikova, T Yudina, N Goncharova, A Maloletko (Editor), D Tipuric (Editor), M Cingula (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to conference typesPaperpeer-review

Abstract (may include machine translation)

A number of research and media articles argue that taking into consideration the current economic and political situation in Ukraine, many families look for a possibility to find work abroad. According to the data of a national survey (IS UAS, 2016), every fifth family in Ukraine in 2016 had at least one member who had experience of temporary work abroad. Ukraine is indeed one of the biggest donors of cheap labor for the EU and Russia (Molodikova, Yudina, 2016). What is about the IT labor market of Ukraine's highly skilled professionals? Their salaries are at least ten times as high as an average in Ukraine. Nevertheless, majority of them has an intention to leave. The article provides an analysis of the labor market for IT experts, including their migration orientation, and tries to evaluate "push" and "pull" factors for their migration Ukraine. Based on the analysis of IT professional websites and their surveys of Ukrainian IT experts in 2016 (8188 respondents) and Relocation survey (2016) with 3300 respondents we present a picture of IT workers. Why do they want to leave the country having such high salaries?
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
StatePublished - 2017
EventEconomic and Social Development (ESD 2017) - Moscow, Russia
Duration: 30 Oct 201731 Oct 2017


ConferenceEconomic and Social Development (ESD 2017)
Internet address


  • Crisis
  • Labor
  • Migration
  • Ukraine


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