The Politics of Opposition and European Integration: A Comparative Politics Perspective on Norwegian Party-Based Euroscepticism

Research output: Contribution to Book/Report typesChapterpeer-review

Abstract (may include machine translation)

The Norwegian political parties’ positions on the ‘European Question’ faithfully reflect the stances they elaborated in the first decade after membership of the EEC was first raised in 1961. No other European country has seen quite such strong and persistent party-based Euroscepticism, and few can match the range of parties that oppose closer participation in European integration. Part of the explanation lies in voters’ preferences and the reinforcing patterns of old centreperiphery cleavages and the European question, but only a part of it. Political parties, or rather their leaders, balance the four main objectives: to win votes, enter office, to shape policy outcomes, and not least to manage the party organisation. Together, these four factors shape the party strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuroscepticism and European Integration
EditorsKrisztina Arató, Petr Kaniok
PublisherCentar za politološka istraživanja
Number of pages32
ISBN (Print)9789537022204
StatePublished - 2009




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