Abstract (may include machine translation)
A Khi-Land, Khitan Landscapes in Mongolia 2017-2023 projekt a mongóliai 10–12. századi kitan kori lelőhelyek tájrégészeti kutatásával foglalkozik, különös tekintettel Khar Bukh Balgas romjaira és annak közvetlen környezetére. A projekt elsődleges célja az, hogy jobban megértsük a Mongol Birodalom kialakulását megelőző, a mai Mongólia és Kína egy részére is kiterjedő kitan államalakulat belső szerkezetét, a nomád életmód és a birodalom területén létrejött erődített városok kapcsolatrendszerét. A régészeti kutatások történeti hátterét és a projekt első eredményeit folyóiratunk 2017. évi nyári számában mutattuk be.1 2018-ban a projekt tagjai két terepmunkát terveztek, melyek közül az első ez év május első felében valósult meg. A jelen cikk ennek rövid bemutatása, illetve a terepbejárások során megfigyelt, más korszakból származó lelőhelyek rövid ismertetése a hozzájuk kapcsolódó régészeti-örökségi problémák bemutatásával
The Khi-Land, Khitan Landscapes in Mongolia 2017-2023 project focuses on landscape archaeology of 10th-12th century Khitan sites in Mongolia, with a special focus on the ruins of Khar Bukh Balgas and its immediate surroundings. The primary objective of the project is to better understand the internal structure of the pre-Mongol Empire Kittan state formation, which covered part of present-day Mongolia and China, the nomadic lifestyle and the interrelationships between the fortified cities that were established in the territory of the empire. The historical background to the archaeological research and the first results of the project were presented in the summer 2017 issue of our journal.1 In 2018, two fieldwork projects were planned, the first of which was carried out in the first half of May this year. The present article is a brief presentation of this and a brief description of the sites from other periods observed during the fieldwork, with a discussion of the archaeological and heritage issues associated with them
The Khi-Land, Khitan Landscapes in Mongolia 2017-2023 project focuses on landscape archaeology of 10th-12th century Khitan sites in Mongolia, with a special focus on the ruins of Khar Bukh Balgas and its immediate surroundings. The primary objective of the project is to better understand the internal structure of the pre-Mongol Empire Kittan state formation, which covered part of present-day Mongolia and China, the nomadic lifestyle and the interrelationships between the fortified cities that were established in the territory of the empire. The historical background to the archaeological research and the first results of the project were presented in the summer 2017 issue of our journal.1 In 2018, two fieldwork projects were planned, the first of which was carried out in the first half of May this year. The present article is a brief presentation of this and a brief description of the sites from other periods observed during the fieldwork, with a discussion of the archaeological and heritage issues associated with them
Translated title of the contribution | Landscape ecology research in the environment of nomadic Mongolian cities: Results of the 1st fieldwork of the Khi-Land project in 2018 |
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 15-24 |
Number of pages | 10 |
Journal | Magyar régészet |
Volume | 2018 |
Issue number | 2 |
State | Published - 2018 |