Remarks on the filigree of the holy crown of Hungary

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Abstract (may include machine translation)

    In this paper, the construction of the "corona latina" decorated with a rich filigree work is considered as a terminus ante quern for the dating of its enamels. The art historical construction of a circle of filigree-decorated objects (royal sceptre, Salzburg cross, objects found in Székesfehérvár graves) and their dating from the late 12th century are here discussed. The author expresses his doubts on the homogeneity of the group. On the basis of parallels with western goldsmiths' works of the second half of the 11th century a similar date is proposed for the filigree work of the corona latina.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)52-61
    Number of pages10
    JournalActa Historiae Artium
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - 2002


    • Esztergom
    • Filigree
    • Hildesheim
    • Salzburg
    • Székesfehérvár


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