title = "Otthon a v{\'a}rosban: T{\'a}rsadalom {\'e}s anyagi kult{\'u}ra a k{\"o}z{\'e}pkori Sopronban, Pozsonyban {\'e}s Eperjesen",
abstract = "The book provides an analysis of the last wills and related sources from three major towns of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. It discusses issues of legal history (laws and customs of inheritance), society, economy, demography and material culture (objects bequeathed in the last wills).",
author = "Katalin Szende",
year = "2004",
language = "Hungarian",
isbn = "9638312904",
series = "T{\'a}rsadalom- {\'e}s m{\H u}vel{\H o}d{\'e}st{\"o}rt{\'e}neti tanulm{\'a}nyok",
publisher = "MTA T{\"o}rt{\'e}nettudom{\'a}nyi Int{\'e}zet",