Abstract (may include machine translation)
A magyar demokratikus ellenzék történelemszemléletét a kommunista rendszerrel való szembenállása határozta meg. Ennek főbb pontjait az 1945 utáni korszak, a sztálinizmus, az 1956-os forradalom, a kádári “kiegyezés”, a gazdasági fejlődés, a nemzeti kérdés, a Kelet-Nyugat megosztottság és szembenállás, valamint a rendszerrel szembeni ellenállás eltérő megítélései alkották. A demokratikus ellenzék élesen szembenállt a rendszerrel mindazokban a kérdésekben, amelyek a jelen megítélésére és a jövő perspektíváira vonatkoztak. Abban azonban, paradox módon, hasonlóan gondolkodtak, hogy történelemszemléletükben csak ritkán tekintettek vissza az 1945 előtti múltra. Mivel mind a hatalom, mind az ellenzék elutasította az 1945 előtti rendszert, az ellenzék nem a Kádár-rendszer történelem-értelmezésének egészét kérdőjelezte meg, hanem elsősorban a rezsim öndefinícióját, és ennek történelmi-politikai alapjait utasította el.
The Hungarian democratic opposition's view of history was defined by its opposition to the communist regime. Its main points were the post-1945 era, Stalinism, the 1956 revolution, the Kádár "reconciliation", economic development, the national question, the East-West divide and opposition, and the different perceptions of opposition to the regime. The democratic opposition was sharply opposed to the regime on all issues relating to its perception of the present and its perspectives for the future. Paradoxically, however, they shared a similar view in that they rarely looked back to the pre-1945 past in their view of history. Since both the authorities and the opposition rejected the pre-1945 regime, the opposition did not question the Kádár regime's interpretation of history as a whole, but primarily the regime's self-definition and its historical-political foundations.
The Hungarian democratic opposition's view of history was defined by its opposition to the communist regime. Its main points were the post-1945 era, Stalinism, the 1956 revolution, the Kádár "reconciliation", economic development, the national question, the East-West divide and opposition, and the different perceptions of opposition to the regime. The democratic opposition was sharply opposed to the regime on all issues relating to its perception of the present and its perspectives for the future. Paradoxically, however, they shared a similar view in that they rarely looked back to the pre-1945 past in their view of history. Since both the authorities and the opposition rejected the pre-1945 regime, the opposition did not question the Kádár regime's interpretation of history as a whole, but primarily the regime's self-definition and its historical-political foundations.
Translated title of the contribution | History without Past: The independent historical memory of the Hungarian democratic opposition |
Original language | Hungarian |
Pages (from-to) | 7-43 |
Number of pages | 37 |
Journal | Politikatudományi Szemle |
Volume | 25 |
Issue number | 4 |
State | Published - 2016 |