Locally Controlled Minimum Wages Leapfrog Public Preferences

Gabor Simonovits, Julia Payson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract (may include machine translation)

Does decentralizing policymaking authority to the local level lead to a closer match between public policies and citizen preferences? We study this question in the context of minimum wage laws, a salient and substantively important policy area with significant variation in the degree of local policymaking discretion. Using novel survey data and aggregation methods, we generate estimates of minimum wage preferences for all US cities with at least 1,000 residents and compare these preferences to actual minimum wages. We show that prevailing minimum wages are generally lower than residents prefer, and this conservative bias is most pronounced in states with preemption laws. However, locally controlled minimum wages leapfrog public preferences and are higher than residents want, on average. Finally, we consider how various counterfactual policies might improve representation and compare the conditions under which a centralized minimum wage would reduce policy bias relative to a decentralized approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543-570
Number of pages28
JournalQuarterly Journal of Political Science
Issue number4
StatePublished - 3 Oct 2023


  • Decentralization
  • federalism
  • political economy
  • public policy
  • representation


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