title = "Is the whole world thinkable?",
abstract = "The phrase in the title is taken from a sentence in the second lecture of Mind and World: “The object of an experience ... is understood as part of the whole thinkable world” (36). The sentence occurs in the discussion of the question whether McDowell's views commit him to any form of idealism; by asking my question, I hope to clarify this issue.",
author = "Katalin Farkas",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
isbn = "9632184823",
series = "P{\'e}cs Studies in Philosophy / P{\'e}csi Filoz{\'o}fiai Tanulm{\'a}nyok",
publisher = "Brambauer Kiad{\'o}",
pages = "135--141",
editor = "J{\'a}nos Boros",
booktitle = "Mind in World",