Injustice without Victims or Arguments from Generational Overlap? A Reply to Gosseries on Non-Identity

Anca Gheaus, Tim Meijers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract (may include machine translation)

Axel Gosseries considers, and partly defends, several strategies to address the non-identity problem (NIP). We engage critically with two strategies endorsed by Gosseries: the severance strategy and the overlap strategy. The latter comprises two different sub-strategies: the containment sub-strategy and the indirect sub-strategy. We believe that severance is less promising than Gosseries suggests. It comes at a high theoretical cost, which is important to acknowledge even if, ultimately, there is reason to pay it. The sub-strategies that comprise the overlap strategy are more promising, and they can justify more in terms of the scope and content of inter-generational justice than Gosseries suggests in his book. Endorsing the overlap strategies is attractive because doing so limits the need for impersonal considerations in theories of inter-generational justice.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalRes Publica
StatePublished - 20 Jan 2025


  • Arguments from overlap
  • Equality
  • Future generations
  • Inter-generational justice
  • Non-identity problem


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