Hungarian party identities & the question of European integration

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper

Abstract (may include machine translation)

The objective of the paper is to assess the extent to which party identity and ideology are reliable guides to political parties’ attitudes to European integration in one of the East Central European EU-applicant countries, Hungary. Starting from general propositions regarding the relationship between particular ideological strands and orientations to European integration, the paper establishes the nature of the ideological space of the Hungarian party system and of the main parties’ location within it. Finally, a textual analysis of election manifestos and other policy documents provides a brief overview of party attitudes to integration. In conclusion, the Hungarian case suggests that while ideology does not account for the clear-cut choice between support and rejection of EU membership by parties, it is nonetheless a necessary explanatory variable in the context of the basis and strength of parties’ European orientations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrighton
PublisherSussex European Institute
ISBN (Print)4
StatePublished - 2001

Publication series

NameSEI Working Paper


  • International relations
  • Hungary
  • European Union countries
  • Politics and political science
  • Economic and Monetary Union
  • European Union countries Relations Hungary
  • European Union Hungary
  • Hongrie
  • Hungary Relations European Union countries
  • Idéologies politiques
  • Partis politiques
  • Partis politiques Adhésion Hongrie
  • Party affiliation
  • Party affiliation Hungary
  • Pays de l'Union européenne Relations Hongrie
  • Political parties
  • Political parties Hungary
  • UE/CE Elargissement


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