God as Monad and Henad: Dionysius the Areopagite and the Peri Archon

    Research output: Contribution to Book/Report typesChapterpeer-review

    Abstract (may include machine translation)

    This is an attempt at elaborating a methodology for recognising and analysing allusions to Origen's works in the Dionysian Corpus. It contains a methodological introduction based on Pseudo-Dionysius' better known methodology of using the texts of Proclus. This is followed by a detailed analysis of DN I. 4, 589 D, p. 112, 7-14 (Suchla), being a paraphrase of Peri Archôn Peri Archôn I. 2. 13.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationOrigeniana Octava
    Subtitle of host publicationOrigen and the Alexandrian Tradition = Origene e la tradizione Alessandrina: Papers of the 8th International Origen Congress, Pisa, 27–31 August 2001
    EditorsLorenzo Perrone, P. Bernardino, D. Marchini
    Place of PublicationLeuven
    PublisherLeuven University Press
    Number of pages17
    ISBN (Print)9042912014
    StatePublished - 2003

    Publication series

    NameBibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium


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