Abstract (may include machine translation)
Was sind die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf die Lebenswelten von Frauen? Autorinnen aus Nord und Süd ziehen in diesem Band erstmals Bilanz. Sie entfalten Visionen einer gerechten Frauenpolitik auf lokaler wie globaler Ebene. Die Beiträge zeigen, daß Frauen nicht in einer Opferrolle verharren und zunehmend (Gestaltungs-)Macht beanspruchen. Die 90er Jahre sind geprägt von wirtschaftlicher Globalisierung und Migration. Entwicklungs-, Umwelt- und Bevölkerungsprobleme sind zunehmend internationalisiert. Mit diesen Prozessen verbinden sich Hoffnungen auf eine größere internationale politische Partizipation für Frauen sowie verstärkte transnationale Solidarität. Zugleich werden aber auch vielfältige Risiken für die Lebenswelten von Frauen in Nord und Süd sichtbar. In diesem Band ziehen Wissenschaftlerinnen und politisch engagierte Frauen aus Afrika, Asien und Europa eine kritische Bilanz der Globalisierung. Sie entfalten Zukunftsvisionen einer gerechten Frauenpolitik, die sich auf alle Ebenen zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen - vom Haushalt bis zum transnationalen Bereich - beziehen. - Der Band reflektiert theoretische Konzepte bisheriger Frauenforschung und verbindet diese mit empirischen Beiträgen. Welche Bedeutung haben transnationale Netzwerke für Frauen? Welche Handlungsspielräume besitzen Frauen in UNO-Gremien? Diese Fragen prägen den ersten Teil des Bandes. Im zweiten Teil werden Fragen der politischen und sozialen Gleichberechtigung thematisiert, so insbesondere die politische Partizipation sowie die veränderten Arbeits- und Aufenthaltsrechte von Frauen. Der dritte Teil befaßt sich - aus Frauensicht - mit neuen Formen und Modellen der Friedenssicherung und der Forderung eines internationalen Strafgerichts - Themen also, die bislang noch wenig Beachtung in Forschung und Literatur finden. Welche Folgen Bevölkerungspolitik und das Konzept nachhaltiger Entwicklung aus feministischer Perspektive haben, behandelt der vierte Teil. Abschließend werden die Ausbeutung von Frauen im globalen Kapitalismus wie auch die sozialen Auswirkungen der Politik der Strukturanpassung diskutiert.
What are the effects of globalization on women's lives? In this volume, authors from North and South take stock for the first time. They develop visions of a just women's policy at local and global level. The contributions show that women do not remain in the role of victims and are increasingly claiming (creative) power. The 1990s are characterized by economic globalization and migration. Development, environmental and population problems are increasingly internationalized. These processes are associated with hopes for greater international political participation for women and increased transnational solidarity. At the same time, however, a variety of risks for the lives of women in the North and South are becoming apparent. In this volume, academics and politically active women from Africa, Asia and Europe take a critical look at globalization. They develop visions for the future of a just women's policy that relate to all levels of interpersonal relationships - from the household to the transnational sphere. - The volume reflects theoretical concepts of previous women's studies and combines these with empirical contributions. What significance do transnational networks have for women? What scope for action do women have in UN bodies? These questions characterize the first part of the volume. The second part deals with questions of political and social equality, in particular political participation and the changing employment and residence rights of women. The third part deals - from a women's perspective - with new forms and models of peacekeeping and the demand for an international criminal court - topics that have so far received little attention in research and literature. The fourth part deals with the consequences of population policy and the concept of sustainable development from a feminist perspective. Finally, the exploitation of women in global capitalism and the social effects of structural adjustment policies are discussed.
What are the effects of globalization on women's lives? In this volume, authors from North and South take stock for the first time. They develop visions of a just women's policy at local and global level. The contributions show that women do not remain in the role of victims and are increasingly claiming (creative) power. The 1990s are characterized by economic globalization and migration. Development, environmental and population problems are increasingly internationalized. These processes are associated with hopes for greater international political participation for women and increased transnational solidarity. At the same time, however, a variety of risks for the lives of women in the North and South are becoming apparent. In this volume, academics and politically active women from Africa, Asia and Europe take a critical look at globalization. They develop visions for the future of a just women's policy that relate to all levels of interpersonal relationships - from the household to the transnational sphere. - The volume reflects theoretical concepts of previous women's studies and combines these with empirical contributions. What significance do transnational networks have for women? What scope for action do women have in UN bodies? These questions characterize the first part of the volume. The second part deals with questions of political and social equality, in particular political participation and the changing employment and residence rights of women. The third part deals - from a women's perspective - with new forms and models of peacekeeping and the demand for an international criminal court - topics that have so far received little attention in research and literature. The fourth part deals with the consequences of population policy and the concept of sustainable development from a feminist perspective. Finally, the exploitation of women in global capitalism and the social effects of structural adjustment policies are discussed.
Original language | German |
Place of Publication | Bonn |
Publisher | Dietz |
Number of pages | 359 |
Edition | 1st edition |
ISBN (Print) | 3801202631 |
State | Published - 1998 |
Publication series
Name | EINE Welt - Texte der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden |
Volume | [N.F.], 6 |