Abstract (may include machine translation)
A dél-indiai Cochin városa 2000 éven át adott otthont egy aktív zsidó közösségnek. Amikor az Emlékek őrei forgatása megkezdődött, már csak hét ember maradt közülük. Egyikük a 95 éves Sarah Cohen volt, Trencsényi Klára rendező fogadott nagymamája. Trencsényi rajta keresztül fedezte fel saját kelet-európai identitását, és ő inspirálta, hogy filmre vigye ezt a fogyatkozó közösséget, amely egykor híres volt a muszlimokkal, hindukkal és keresztényekkel való boldog együttélésről. Aztán egy nap kiderült, hogy Sarah-nak még mindig vannak el nem mondott titkai. A film egy bensőséges, Európa és India közti utazást dokumentál, amely során a diszkrimináció, az identitáskeresés tapasztalatai, valamint a cochini zsidóság varázslatos történetei is kibontakoznak.
The city of Cochin in southern India has been home to an active Jewish community for 2000 years. When filming of Guardians of Memories began, only seven of them remained. One of them was 95-year-old Sarah Cohen, the adopted grandmother of director Klára Trencsényi. It was through her that Trencsényi discovered her own Eastern European identity, and she inspired him to film this dwindling community, once famous for its happy coexistence with Muslims, Hindus and Christians. Then one day it turned out that Sarah still had untold secrets. The film documents an intimate journey between Europe and India, unfolding the experiences of discrimination, the search for identity and the magical stories of Cochin Jewry.
The city of Cochin in southern India has been home to an active Jewish community for 2000 years. When filming of Guardians of Memories began, only seven of them remained. One of them was 95-year-old Sarah Cohen, the adopted grandmother of director Klára Trencsényi. It was through her that Trencsényi discovered her own Eastern European identity, and she inspired him to film this dwindling community, once famous for its happy coexistence with Muslims, Hindus and Christians. Then one day it turned out that Sarah still had untold secrets. The film documents an intimate journey between Europe and India, unfolding the experiences of discrimination, the search for identity and the magical stories of Cochin Jewry.
Translated title of the contribution | The Missing Tale |
Original language | Hungarian |
State | Published - 2022 |