Abstract (may include machine translation)
A Magyarországra érkező menekültek kapcsán 2015 eleje óta tartó kampányban és az azt kísérő politikai vitában sokan szólaltak meg az elmúlt hónapokban. Írásunk a kampány elejére, 2015 januárjára vezet vissza, amikor kialakultak az azóta rutinszerűen használt értelmezési keretek és gyakorlatok, a kategória- és szelektív statisztikahasználattól a különböző diszkurzív stratégiákig. A hírmédia tudósításainak elemzése révén azt vizsgáltunk, hogy az újságírók többsége tudott-e egy ilyen kérdésben a szakmai sztenderdek szerint dolgozni; voltak-e olyan, a kérdésben megszólaló szereplők, akik függetleníteni tudták magukat a politikai arénától. Elemzésünk konklúziója az, hogy a kormányzati kommunikáció lehengerlő volta, a politikai beszéd kizárólagossága és a területen szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező szervezetek kiszorulása a médiából mind hozzájárult ahhoz, hogy a kormányzati diskurzussal szembeni alternatív értelmezések ne jussanak nyilvánossághoz a kampány első hónapjában.
Many have spoken out in recent months in the campaign and the political debate surrounding the arrival of refugees in Hungary since the beginning of 2015. Our writing takes us back to the beginning of the campaign, in January 2015, when the interpretative frameworks and practices that have been routinely used since then, from the use of categories and selective statistics to various discursive strategies, were established. Through an analysis of news media coverage, we examined whether the majority of journalists were able to work according to professional standards on such an issue; whether there were actors speaking on the issue who were able to detach themselves from the political arena. The conclusion of our analysis is that the overwhelming nature of government communication, the exclusivity of political discourse and the exclusion from the media of organisations with professional expertise in the field all contributed to the lack of exposure of alternative interpretations to government discourse in the first month of the campaign.
Many have spoken out in recent months in the campaign and the political debate surrounding the arrival of refugees in Hungary since the beginning of 2015. Our writing takes us back to the beginning of the campaign, in January 2015, when the interpretative frameworks and practices that have been routinely used since then, from the use of categories and selective statistics to various discursive strategies, were established. Through an analysis of news media coverage, we examined whether the majority of journalists were able to work according to professional standards on such an issue; whether there were actors speaking on the issue who were able to detach themselves from the political arena. The conclusion of our analysis is that the overwhelming nature of government communication, the exclusivity of political discourse and the exclusion from the media of organisations with professional expertise in the field all contributed to the lack of exposure of alternative interpretations to government discourse in the first month of the campaign.
Translated title of the contribution | Covered. Government campaigning on refugees and the space for independent voices |
Original language | Hungarian |
Pages (from-to) | 7-17 |
Number of pages | 11 |
Journal | Médiakutató: Médiaelméleti folyóirat |
Volume | 16 |
Issue number | 4 |
State | Published - 2015 |