Abstract (may include machine translation)
Bence György a rendszerváltás utáni időszakban elsősorban 20. századi politikai eszmetörténettel foglalkozott, a politika és politikai filozófia összefüggéseit tanulmányozta. Válogatott politikai filozófiai tanulmányok 1990–2006 című posztumusz kötetében megjelent tanulmányai és esszéi a politikai jelenségek filozófiai eszmetörténeti szempontú elemzésére tesznek kísérletet. A kötet egyik írásában így fogalmaz: „Az utolsó harminc évben virágzó akadémiai diszciplínává vált politikai filozófia mintegy felülről tekint a politikára. Ezért nem sokat tud kezdeni azzal a jelenséggel, hogy a közvélemény szemében a politika gyanús vállalkozás, a politikus kétes figura. De létezik egy olyan politikai filozófia is, amely magából a politikai életből, a politikától elválaszthatatlan konfliktusokból indul ki. Ennek az irányzatnak a kulcsszava a »politikum«. A politika nem csak a gazdasági és társadalmi érdekek, a morális és ideológiai célok megvalósításának eszköze. Saját célja és méltósága van, mely nem kevésbé fontos, mint azok a célok, melyeknek alá szokták rendelni. Sőt, vannak olyan gondolkodók, akik a »politikum«-ról beszélvén egyenesen azt akarják mondani, hogy a politika fölötte áll mindezeknek a céloknak. A »politikum« filozófiája nem veszélytelen. De mindenképp van egy előnye: szembenéz azokkal a veszélyekkel, amelyeket az akadémiai politikai filozófia főárama elkerül.” Bence a politikum sajátosságára vonatkozó vizsgálódásainak kiindulópontjául Hannah Arendt, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin és Isaiah Berlin művei szolgáltak. A tanulmánykötetben olyan írásokat közlünk pályatársaitól, diákjaitól, amelyek a Bence érdeklődéséhez közel álló tudományterületek kimagasló színvonalú munkái, így remélhetőleg a politikai filozófia iránt érdeklődő szélesebb közönség számára is fontos gyűjteményt kínálhatunk.
György Bence's main field of research in the post-change period was the history of 20th century political ideas, studying the interrelations between politics and political philosophy. His posthumous volume of Selected Studies in Political Philosophy 1990-2006 contains studies and essays that attempt to analyse political phenomena from a philosophical and historical perspective. In one of the essays in the volume, he writes: "Political philosophy, which has become a flourishing academic discipline in the last thirty years, looks at politics from above. Therefore, it has little to do with the phenomenon that in the eyes of public opinion politics is a dubious enterprise, the politician a dubious figure. But there is also a political philosophy that takes its starting point in political life itself, in the conflicts that are inseparable from politics. The key word in this movement is 'the political'. Politics is not just a means of achieving economic and social interests, moral and ideological ends. It has its own purpose and dignity, which is no less important than the purposes to which it is subordinated. Indeed, there are thinkers who, in speaking of the 'political', would go so far as to say that politics is superior to all these ends. The philosophy of the 'political' is not without its dangers. But it certainly has one advantage: it faces the dangers that the mainstream of academic political philosophy avoids." The works of Hannah Arendt, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin and Isaiah Berlin have served as a starting point for Bence's explorations of the specificity of the political. This volume of essays includes writings by his colleagues and students, which are of outstanding quality in disciplines close to Bence's interests, and thus hopefully offer an important collection for a wider audience interested in political philosophy.
György Bence's main field of research in the post-change period was the history of 20th century political ideas, studying the interrelations between politics and political philosophy. His posthumous volume of Selected Studies in Political Philosophy 1990-2006 contains studies and essays that attempt to analyse political phenomena from a philosophical and historical perspective. In one of the essays in the volume, he writes: "Political philosophy, which has become a flourishing academic discipline in the last thirty years, looks at politics from above. Therefore, it has little to do with the phenomenon that in the eyes of public opinion politics is a dubious enterprise, the politician a dubious figure. But there is also a political philosophy that takes its starting point in political life itself, in the conflicts that are inseparable from politics. The key word in this movement is 'the political'. Politics is not just a means of achieving economic and social interests, moral and ideological ends. It has its own purpose and dignity, which is no less important than the purposes to which it is subordinated. Indeed, there are thinkers who, in speaking of the 'political', would go so far as to say that politics is superior to all these ends. The philosophy of the 'political' is not without its dangers. But it certainly has one advantage: it faces the dangers that the mainstream of academic political philosophy avoids." The works of Hannah Arendt, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin and Isaiah Berlin have served as a starting point for Bence's explorations of the specificity of the political. This volume of essays includes writings by his colleagues and students, which are of outstanding quality in disciplines close to Bence's interests, and thus hopefully offer an important collection for a wider audience interested in political philosophy.
Translated title of the contribution | The philosophy of politics.: György Bence memorial book |
Original language | Hungarian |
Place of Publication | Budapest |
Publisher | Gondolat Kiadó |
Number of pages | 244 |
ISBN (Print) | 9789636932473 |
State | Published - 2010 |