Abstract (may include machine translation)
Ebben az írásban az Orbán-rendszer jellemzőit a nemzetközi hibrid rendszerekre vonatkozó szakirodalom tükrében elemezzük. A demokrácia és diktatúra kérdése nem „vagy-vagy”, hanem „többé-kevésbé” probléma, amelyet leginkább egy kontinuumon lehet szemléltetni. A hibrid rezsimek szakirodalmának állításain túl úgy véljük, hogy az Orbán-rezsim olyan, eddig kellő figyelmet nem kapott sajátosságokkal rendelkezik, amelynek révén külön kategóriát képez a hibrid rendszerek között. Egyedi jellege abból a paradox helyzetből vezethető le, hogy a magyar hibrid rendszer a demokratikus berendezkedésű tagállamokból álló Európai Unió része. Mivel az EU tagállamai szuverenitásuk egy részét uniós szintre helyezték, az Európai Unió egyszerre „belpolitikai” és „külpolitikai” tér, rendszerelméleti nézőpontból egyszerre környezet és a politikai rendszer szerves, elválaszthatatlan része Magyarország számára. Ezzel összefüggésben pedig az EU „rezsimfenntartó” és „rezsimkorlátozó” funkciókat egyaránt ellát, ezért Magyarország uralmi formája jelenleg „kívülről korlátozott hibrid rendszernek” tekinthető.
In this paper, the characteristics of the Orban system are analysed in the light of the literature on international hybrid systems. The question of democracy and dictatorship is not an "either-or" but a "more or less" problem, best illustrated on a continuum. Beyond the claims of the literature on hybrid regimes, we believe that the Orbán regime has specific features that have not received sufficient attention so far, which make it a distinct category among hybrid regimes. Its uniqueness stems from the paradoxical situation that the Hungarian hybrid system is part of the European Union, which is made up of Member States with democratic systems. As the EU Member States have transferred part of their sovereignty to the EU level, the European Union is both an 'internal' and 'external' space, and from a systems theory perspective, both an environment and an integral and inseparable part of the political system for Hungary. In this context, the EU performs both 'regime-maintaining' and 'regime-limiting' functions, and therefore Hungary's form of governance can currently be seen as an 'externally-constrained hybrid system'.
In this paper, the characteristics of the Orban system are analysed in the light of the literature on international hybrid systems. The question of democracy and dictatorship is not an "either-or" but a "more or less" problem, best illustrated on a continuum. Beyond the claims of the literature on hybrid regimes, we believe that the Orbán regime has specific features that have not received sufficient attention so far, which make it a distinct category among hybrid regimes. Its uniqueness stems from the paradoxical situation that the Hungarian hybrid system is part of the European Union, which is made up of Member States with democratic systems. As the EU Member States have transferred part of their sovereignty to the EU level, the European Union is both an 'internal' and 'external' space, and from a systems theory perspective, both an environment and an integral and inseparable part of the political system for Hungary. In this context, the EU performs both 'regime-maintaining' and 'regime-limiting' functions, and therefore Hungary's form of governance can currently be seen as an 'externally-constrained hybrid system'.
Translated title of the contribution | The Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: The Orbán Regime in the Light of System Typology |
Original language | Hungarian |
Pages (from-to) | 7-32 |
Number of pages | 26 |
Journal | Politikatudományi Szemle |
Volume | 26 |
Issue number | 2 |
State | Published - 2017 |