Abstract (may include machine translation)
Annak ellenére, hogy a franchise – a lízinggel együtt – a két legsikeresebb jövevény szerződés egyike és fejlődését jelentős számú jogirodalmi publikáció követte, a franchise egy lényeges eleme – a franchise-aszimmetria – nem kapott kellő figyelmet. Vonatkozik ez az új Polgári törvénykönyvre (Ptk.) is, amelynek minimálisra kerekedett hat §-a a rendszerbe való bevezetésen kívül csak néhány főbb kötelezettség és jog deklarálására szorítkozik. Mivel a rendelkezések diszpozitívak, a franchise tartalommal való kitöltését a Ptk. valójában a gyakorlatra bízza, amiből az szűrhető le, hogy a jogalkotó nem számolt az aszimmetriával. Az aszimmetria olyan Janus-arcú, immanens része a franchise-nak, amely a jogra lényeges feladatokat hárít. Egyfelől, a franchise-ba adó fél információs és erőfölénye adott, és az ebből fakadó jogait a jognak bizonyos fokig garantálnia is kell, mivel ez az üzleti sikerkulcsa. A jogbérletbe adó joga nemcsak a franchise-szerződés minden lényeges eleméneka meghatározása, hanem a végrehajtásának szigorú ellenőrzése és akár szigorú szankcionálása is. Ez lényegében azt jelenti, hogy általában a franchise-ba adó diktál. Másfelől, az aszimmetriával a jogbérletbe adó vissza is tud élni, ahogyan ezt legszemléletesebben az amerikai tapasztalatok mutatják. A jog ellenkező előjelű feladata épp ezért a gyengébb fél védelme a jogbérletbe adói túlkapások és abúzusok ellen. A védelem lehet ad hoc jellegű, amikor a magánjog általános érvényű szabályaira alapozva hoz a bíróság a jogbérletbe adót elmarasztaló döntést, vagy a versenyjog eszköztárát mozgósítják e célból. A franchise szülőhazájában, az USA-ban azonban a jogbérletbe vevőt mint a gyengébb felet, már szektor-specifikus, kógens normákra építő törvényekkel védik. A cikk e paraméterek alapján próbál egy nemzetközi kitekintés útján rámutatni a franchise-aszimmetria magyar jog számára is fontos voltára.
Despite the fact that franchising, together with leasing, is one of the two most successful newcomer contracts and its development has been followed by a significant number of legal publications, one essential element of franchising - franchise asymmetry - has not received sufficient attention. This is also true of the new Civil Code (CC), the six articles of which, which have been reduced to a minimum, are limited to the declaration of a few main obligations and rights, apart from introducing the system. Since the provisions are dispositive, the Civil Code in fact leaves it up to practice to fill in the content of the franchise, which suggests that the legislator did not take asymmetry into account. Asymmetry is a Janus-faced, intrinsic part of franchising that imposes essential tasks on the law. On the one hand, the franchisor has information and power advantages, and its resulting rights must be guaranteed to a certain extent by the law, as this is the key to its business success. The franchisor's right not only to determine all the essential elements of the franchise agreement, but also to strictly monitor and even severely sanction its implementation. This essentially means that the franchisor usually dictates. On the other hand, asymmetry can also be abused by the franchisor, as the US experience shows most clearly. The opposite task of law is therefore to protect the weaker party against the excesses and abuses of the franchisor. The defence may be ad hoc, where the court or tribunal decides on the basis of general rules of private law a decision condemning the grantor of the lease, or the tools of competition law are mobilised for this purpose. However, in the home country of franchising, the US, the lessee, as the weaker party, is already protected by sector-specific laws based on a set of cogency standards. Based on these parameters, the article tries to point out the importance of franchise asymmetry for Hungarian law by means of an international perspective
Despite the fact that franchising, together with leasing, is one of the two most successful newcomer contracts and its development has been followed by a significant number of legal publications, one essential element of franchising - franchise asymmetry - has not received sufficient attention. This is also true of the new Civil Code (CC), the six articles of which, which have been reduced to a minimum, are limited to the declaration of a few main obligations and rights, apart from introducing the system. Since the provisions are dispositive, the Civil Code in fact leaves it up to practice to fill in the content of the franchise, which suggests that the legislator did not take asymmetry into account. Asymmetry is a Janus-faced, intrinsic part of franchising that imposes essential tasks on the law. On the one hand, the franchisor has information and power advantages, and its resulting rights must be guaranteed to a certain extent by the law, as this is the key to its business success. The franchisor's right not only to determine all the essential elements of the franchise agreement, but also to strictly monitor and even severely sanction its implementation. This essentially means that the franchisor usually dictates. On the other hand, asymmetry can also be abused by the franchisor, as the US experience shows most clearly. The opposite task of law is therefore to protect the weaker party against the excesses and abuses of the franchisor. The defence may be ad hoc, where the court or tribunal decides on the basis of general rules of private law a decision condemning the grantor of the lease, or the tools of competition law are mobilised for this purpose. However, in the home country of franchising, the US, the lessee, as the weaker party, is already protected by sector-specific laws based on a set of cogency standards. Based on these parameters, the article tries to point out the importance of franchise asymmetry for Hungarian law by means of an international perspective
Translated title of the contribution | The Janus-like asymmetry of the franchise contract |
Original language | Hungarian |
Pages (from-to) | 43-72 |
Number of pages | 30 |
Journal | Állam és Jogtudomány |
Volume | 59 |
Issue number | 3 |
State | Published - 2018 |