Abstract (may include machine translation)
Bár a Ptk. által bevezetett és az angolszász trust mintájára megalkotott bizalmi vagyonkezelési szerzõdést nem hitelfedezeti eszköznek koncipiálták, a flexibilitásának köszönhetõen e célra is felhasználható. Ennek nevesített, több jogrendszerben is ismert, leggyakoribb formája az ún. trust receipt, amely az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban az egyik legfontosabb, zálogjogi hatállyal bíró eszközzé vált még a 20. század elsõ évtizedeiben, fõként a gépjármû-finanszírozás területén. A kapcsolatos összehasonlító jogi tapasztalatok két fõ okból érdemelnek figyelmet. Egyrészt, a trust adaptálásával olyan valós finanszírozási igényeket lehet kielégíteni, amelyekre ez idáig a magyar jog nem rendelkezett megfelelõ megoldással. Másrészt, így félõ, hogy a zálogjoggal funkcionálisan megegyezõ hitelfedezeti eszközt lehet megalkotni annak zálogjogi nyilvántartásba való bejegyzése nélkül. Az amerikai megoldás az utóbbi a problémára már az Egységes Kereskedelmi Kódex (Uniform Commercial Code) 1952-es megjelenése óta egyértelmû: ugyanazok a szabályokvonatkoznak a trust receipt-re, mint a többi zálogjogot létrehozó szerzõdéstípusra. Félreértésekre ad okot, hogy az amerikai kódex új, a régi elnevezéseket semlegesítõ terminológiája miatt, a trust receipt már csak jogtörténeti írásokban jelentik meg, ami azonban nem jelenti azt, hogy a gazdasági életbõl is eltûnt volna.
Although the trust deed, introduced by the Civil Code and modelled on the Anglo-Saxon trust, is not intended as a credit protection instrument, its flexibility allows it to be used for this purpose. Its most common form, known in several jurisdictions, is the so-called trust receipt, which became one of the most important pledging instruments in the United States of America in the first decades of the 20th century, particularly in the field of motor vehicle financing. The comparative legal experience in this area is worthy of attention for two main reasons. Firstly, the adaptation of the trust can meet real financing needs for which Hungarian law has not had an adequate solution so far. On the other hand, it is thus feared that a functionally equivalent credit protection instrument to a pledge could be created without its registration in the pledge register. The American solution to the latter problem has been clear since the Uniform Commercial Code was published in 1952: the same rules apply to the trust receipt as to the other types of contract creating the pledge. It is a source of misunderstanding that, because of the new terminology of the American Code, which neutralises the old names, the trust receipt is now only used in legal history, but this does not mean that it has disappeared from commercial life.
Although the trust deed, introduced by the Civil Code and modelled on the Anglo-Saxon trust, is not intended as a credit protection instrument, its flexibility allows it to be used for this purpose. Its most common form, known in several jurisdictions, is the so-called trust receipt, which became one of the most important pledging instruments in the United States of America in the first decades of the 20th century, particularly in the field of motor vehicle financing. The comparative legal experience in this area is worthy of attention for two main reasons. Firstly, the adaptation of the trust can meet real financing needs for which Hungarian law has not had an adequate solution so far. On the other hand, it is thus feared that a functionally equivalent credit protection instrument to a pledge could be created without its registration in the pledge register. The American solution to the latter problem has been clear since the Uniform Commercial Code was published in 1952: the same rules apply to the trust receipt as to the other types of contract creating the pledge. It is a source of misunderstanding that, because of the new terminology of the American Code, which neutralises the old names, the trust receipt is now only used in legal history, but this does not mean that it has disappeared from commercial life.
Translated title of the contribution | On the relationship between trusts and pledges in the new Civil Code from a comparative law perspective |
Original language | Hungarian |
Pages (from-to) | 321-331 |
Number of pages | 11 |
Journal | Jogtudományi Közlöny |
Volume | 69 |
Issue number | 7-8 |
State | Published - 2014 |