A balls-and-bins model of trade

Roc Armenter, Miklós Koren*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Abstract (may include machine translation)

    Many of the facts about the extensive margin of trade-which firms export, and how many products are sent to how many destinations- are consistent with a surprisingly large class of trade models because of the sparse nature of trade data. We propose a statistical model to account for sparsity, formalizing the assignment of trade shipments to country, product, and firm categories as balls falling into bins. The balls-and-bins model quantitatively reproduces the pattern of zero product- and firm-level trade flows across export destinations, and the frequency of multiproduct, multidestination exporters. In contrast, balls-and-bins overpredicts the fraction of exporting firms.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2127-2151
    Number of pages25
    JournalAmerican Economic Review
    Issue number7
    StatePublished - Jul 2014


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