Насилие и Молчание: Красная армия в Венгрии во Второй Мировой войне

Translated title of the contribution: Violence and Silence: Red Army in Hungary in World War II

Research output: Book/Report typesBook

Abstract (may include machine translation)

Eta kniga — rezul'tat mnogoletnego issledovaniia o seksualizirovannom nasilii nad zhenshchinami v Vengrii vo Vtoroi mirovoi voine. S pomoshch'iu arkhivnykh istochnikov, interv'iu i lichnykh dnevnikov Andrea Peto vosstanavlivaet dramatichnyi opyt vengerskikh zhenshchin, udeliaia osoboe vnimanie prestupleniiam Krasnoi armii v Vengrii — teme, kotoraia prakticheski otsutstvuet v rossiiskom publichnom prostranstve.

Transnatsional'nyi podkhod pozvoliaet Peto podcherknut' universal'nost' uiazvlennogo polozheniia zhenshchin vo vremia voiny. Kniga analiziruet seksualizirovannoe nasilie, sovershennoe armiiami SSSR i natsistskoi Germanii v Vengrii, i sravnivaet ego s nasiliem so storony soiuznykh voisk v zone okkupatsii na Zapadnom fronte, ekspluatatsiei "zhenshchin dlia utesheniia" v iaponskikh voennykh bordeliakh v 1931–1945 gg., a takzhe prestupleniiami protiv zhenshchin vo vremia Iugoslavskikh voin v 1991–2001 gg.

Vo vtoroi chasti knigi Peto pytaetsia otvetit' na voprosy: Kakoi sled seksualizirovannoe nasilie vremen Vtoroi mirovoi voiny ostavilo v kollektivnoi pamiati grazhdan Rossii, Vengrii, Pol'shi, Germanii i Ukrainy? Kakie faktory vliiaiut na to, kak imenno oni pomniat — ili ne pomniat — o nem?

This book is the result of many years of research on sexualized violence against women in Hungary in the Second World War. With the help of archival sources, interviews and numerous diaries, Andrea Peto describes the dramatic story of the Hungarian women, giving personal attention to the transgressions of the Red Army in Hungary - a topic that is practically present in the Russian public sphere.

The transnational approach allows Peto to underline the universality of the position of women in times of war. The book analyzes the sexualized violence, sovershennoe by the armies of the USSR and Nazi Germany in Hungary, and compares it with the violence of the related voices in the zone of occupation on the Western Front, the exploitation of "zhenshchin dlia utesheniia" in the Japanese military brothels in 1931-1945, as well as transgressions against women in the Iugoslav wars in 1991-2001.

In the second part of the book Peto asks the following questions: What trace has the sexualized violence of the Second World War left in the collective memory of the citizens of Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany and Ukraine? What factors influence how they remember - or do not remember - it?
Translated title of the contributionViolence and Silence: Red Army in Hungary in World War II
Original languageRussian
Number of pages288
ISBN (Print)978-3-8382-1636-2
StatePublished - 2023


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