The Rule of Law Clinic

Project: Research

Project Details


Established with a generous EUR 1M grant from Stiftung Mercator, CEU Democracy Institute Rule of Law Clinic aims to give the rule of law in Europe a voice in front of the highest courts. Next to bringing third party interventions, it aims to play a pivotal role in providing direct assistance to practitioners and scholars. The Clinic will offer public support to rule of law professionals and facilitate fellowships to enhance expertise on pressing rule of law issues. The Clinic also implements programs to enhance awareness among the public on the core values of the European Union and its Member States – including democracy, rule of law, and the protection of fundamental rights.

Over the next three years until July 2026 the Clinic will support practical rule of law work across Europe in a strictly non-partisan and a-political fashion, engaging with the issues of rule of law backsliding, undermining of checks and balances, and abuse of power. Its activities will also support judges, scholars and practitioners under attack for serving the interests of the rule of law, and help further develop the Good Lobby Profs – a pro-bono initiative, which aims to hold power in Europe accountable.
Effective start/end date1/08/2331/07/26


  • Stiftung Mercator: €1,000,000.00


  • Rule of Law


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