The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification

  • Bátory, Ágnes (PI)
  • Cartwright, Andrew (Researcher)
  • Adascalitei, Dragos (Researcher)
  • Cantat, Céline (Researcher)
  • Halasz, Anita (Researcher)
  • Jakobs, Lilla (Administrator)
  • Andreea-Raluca Leru, Andreea (Administrator)

Project: Research

Project Details


A major new study to understand whether and how EU Cohesion policy influences the European identity of citizens across the EU (called COHESIFY) was launched on 3-4 March 2016. Led by Professor John Bachtler and Dr Carlos Mendez of the European Policies Research Centre (EPRC), and involving colleagues from EPRC and the wider School of Government & Public Policy at the University of Strathclyde, the €2.4 million study is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of research excellence from the European Commission. Against stiff competition from 28 other consortia across Europe, the winning EPRC-led consortium comprises 8 universities and 2 SMEs from 10 EU Member States with complementary disciplinary backgrounds and applied and creative expertise in communication, branding and citizen engagement. COHESIFY will focus on four inter-related issues:
- How European identity and perceptions of the EU and Cohesion policy vary at national, regional and local levels;
-The impact of Cohesion policy on citizens’ perceptions of the policy and identification with the EU;
- Whether and how Cohesion policy communication strategies affect perception and identification; and
- What is needed to make Cohesion policy more effective in terms of people’s perceptions of the policy and the EU more generally.

Effective start/end date1/02/1630/04/18

Collaborative partners

  • University of Strathclyde (lead)
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Cyprus University of Technology
  • Technische Universieit Delft
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University of Mannheim
  • Plus Consulting SL
  • Old-Continent


  • European Commission - H2020 - Collaborative Projects: €241,225.00


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