Project Details
The Network Analysis and Financial Diaries (NetFi) team researches complementary and community currencies that use an Unconditional Basic Income as a distribution mechanism. As a methodological team, NetFi develops, among other things, programs and procedures that can be used to research these currencies. It is currently developing three different software solutions for this purpose – including a program that can be used to analyze graph-based network data.
In this context, both the macro-stabilizing effect (Stodder/Lietaer 2016) and the local multiplier effect are being studied, using flow motif detection (Iosifidis et al. 2018). In addition, the financial diaries method is further developed and extended with categorization techniques. Both methods allow for a closer examination of how complementary and community currencies can be used and the usage behavior of currency participants.
With its heterodox research methods, the NetFi team provides a methodological toolbox that all researchers may use free of charge, and in the use of which the FRIBIS team is happy to provide support and advice upon request. By not only developing research methods and programs, but also providing comprehensive and free advice to users of the corresponding programs, NetFi aims to act as an interface between science and activism.
In this context, both the macro-stabilizing effect (Stodder/Lietaer 2016) and the local multiplier effect are being studied, using flow motif detection (Iosifidis et al. 2018). In addition, the financial diaries method is further developed and extended with categorization techniques. Both methods allow for a closer examination of how complementary and community currencies can be used and the usage behavior of currency participants.
With its heterodox research methods, the NetFi team provides a methodological toolbox that all researchers may use free of charge, and in the use of which the FRIBIS team is happy to provide support and advice upon request. By not only developing research methods and programs, but also providing comprehensive and free advice to users of the corresponding programs, NetFi aims to act as an interface between science and activism.
Acronym | FRIBIS |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/12/21 → 30/11/24 |
Collaborative partners
- University of Freiburg (lead)
- University of Freiburg
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