"Laying the Groundwork for a Developmental Science of Intellectual Humility"

Project: Research

Project Details


This is a subgrant funded by the University of Toronto. The lead researcher at the University of Toronto is Samuel Ronfard who received the grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

Intellectual humility (IH)—the ability to recognize the fallibility and limits of our knowledge—has a potentially crucial impact on learning and is particularly important given the polarization of beliefs engendered by the information age. However, it is currently difficult to develop programs aimed at fostering IH as we still know little about how intellectual humility develops across childhood, and more generally across the lifespan.

This multi-site collaborative project will set a foundation for a developmental science of IH by developing a self-report measure of IH with desirable psychometric properties that can measure trait intellectual humility in 6- to 10-year-old children and that has been evaluated in multiple contexts.
Effective start/end date1/12/2330/11/27

Collaborative partners

  • University of Toronto (lead)


  • John Templeton Foundation


  • Character Virtue
  • Development


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