Gender And Cultures of Equality in Europe

Project: Research

Project Details


GRACE (Gender and Cultures of Equality) is an EU Innovative Training Networks project which aims to systematically investigate the cultural production of gender equalities within Europe. The aim of the project is to extend the scholarly work on European gender equality policies by drawing on innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies to investigate an under-examined aspect of those processes, namely the production of cultures of equality that underpin, enable and constrain those changing policy and legislative frameworks.

The project will employ fifteen fixed-term Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to work as doctoral researchers to work on distinctive topics within five main areas of study: mediated cultures of gender equality; urban cultures of gender equality; intellectual and activist cultures of gender equality; textual and artistic cultures of gender equality; and employing cultures of gender equality.

Within the GRACE project CEU will employ two researchers to work on the following topics:

‘European boundaries and the production of cultures of equality;’

‘Theorising the gendered body as a site of contest of cultures of equality’.

GRACE is designed to equip the next generation of young researchers to play a leading role in investigating the production of cultures of gender equality, and in translating creative and critical capacities into innovative cultural practices within and beyond academia.
Short titleGRACE
Effective start/end date1/10/1530/09/19

Collaborative partners

  • University of Hull (lead)
  • University of Bologna
  • The University of Granada
  • University of Lodz
  • University of Oviedo
  • Utrecht University
  • Orlando Association


  • European Commission - Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Networks: €447,827.00


  • graphic design
  • revolutions
  • women’s studies
  • gender equality
  • employment


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