Enhancing the EU's Transboundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies for Multi-Level Leadership

Project: Research

Project Details


CARR led a three-year international research collaboration on EU transboundary crisis-management between 2015-2018. This project was funded by the European Union under its Horizon 2020 funding. This placed CARR at the heart of an emerging European wide research infrastructure in crisis and risk management.

Transboundary crises are at the core of the ʹnew normalʹ that characterises politics and policy‐making in Europe. Whether it is the financial crisis and the subsequent debates about the governance of the Eurozone, the Icelandic ash cloud, floods, oil spills, horse meat and other food scandals, let alone geopolitical tensions, this ‘new normal’ has highlighted interdependences among European states, where crises do not stop at national political boundaries. In a world where national politics has limited capacity to exercise boundary control over crises, the importance of managing transboundary crisis points to the critical role that the EU can play. However, this realisation comes at a time of growing scepticism regarding the effectiveness and legitimacy of the EU, and a re‐nationalisation of electoral politics.
Effective start/end date1/04/1531/03/18

Collaborative partners

  • London School of Economics and Political Science (lead)
  • Crisisplan BV
  • Universiteit Utrecht
  • Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
  • Universita degli Studi di Catania
  • Stockholms Universitet
  • Taenketanken Europa (ThinkEuropa)


  • European Commission - H2020 - Collaborative Projects: €309,196.00


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