Projects per year
Organization profile
Organization profile
The Department is a thriving part of Central European University (CEU), the only transnational, English-language graduate school in Europe that is accredited both in the European Union and the United States. The transnational academic environment challenges our faculty and students to study the past and present using the most innovative methodologies and theoretical frameworks from a global perspective, and to work closely together and learn from one another in order to produce new knowledge and ground-breaking research. We are a consciously multidisciplinary department which provides intellectually challenging comparative and multi-disciplinary postgraduate education on all aspects of the history and culture of the period from c.300 to the present day.
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Isabelle Anatole-Gabriel
- Department of Historical Studies - Visiting Professor
Person: Visiting Scholar
Long Shadows: The Afterlives of Feudal-Aristocrativ Formations
Zolles, C. (PI)
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship
1/01/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
CoE_EurAsia: EurAsian Transformations- Resources of the Past and Challenges of Diversity
Krstic, T. (Main researcher at CEU) & Hennings, J. (Researcher)
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Cluster of Excellence
1/10/23 → 30/09/28
Project: Research
REPATRIATES: Artistic Research in Museums and Communities in the process of Repatriation from Europe
Zinnenburg Carroll, K. (PI) & Melgarejo Weinandt, V. (Researcher)
European Commission - H2020 - European Research Council - Consolidator Grant
1/05/21 → 30/04/26
Project: Research
I was born liberal. The 'adults in the room' still have a lot to learn
Ignatieff, M., 14 Jan 2025, Washington Post.Research output: Contribution to general interest publication types › Editorial
The Christian Near East in Late Antiquity
Menze, V. L., May 2025, Oxford Handbook of the Roman Near East. Raja, R. (ed.). Oxford University PressResearch output: Contribution to Book/Report types › Chapter › peer-review
The Roman Near East in the Time of the Tetrarchy and Constantine I (AD 284-337)
Menze, V. L., May 2025, The Oxford Handbook of the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Raja, R. (ed.). Oxford University PressResearch output: Contribution to Book/Report types › Chapter › peer-review
Mediaevalia Latino-Valachica: Unde şi cum îi căutăm pe vorbitorii de română din Ungaria medievală?
Gaşpar, C.-N. (Speaker)
24 Sep 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Teach Yourself Old Romanian (for Missionaries)?: Transliteration, Phonetic Transcription, and Intedialectal Translation in the Evangeliarium Illyiense (ca. 1750)
Gaşpar, C.-N. (Speaker)
19 Sep 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Despre distribuţia dialectală a formelor verbale cu dentală refăcută analogic în secolul al XVII-lea. Date noi, surse neglijate şi observaţii metodologice pe marginea unei controverse inutile
Gaşpar, C.-N. (Speaker)
6 Sep 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Honorary Doctorate of Letters, Cambridge University
Ignatieff, M. (Recipient), 19 Jun 2024
Prize: Prize, award or honor
Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences
Ignatieff, M. (Recipient), 25 Oct 2024
Prize: Prize, award or honor
Honorary Doctor of Science award in Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Ignatieff, M. (Recipient), 3 Jul 2018
Prize: Prize, award or honor
Metadata serving as basis for illustrations of Maximilian Hell's network in the book "Maximilian Hell (1720-1792) and the Ends of Jesuit Science in Enlightenment Europe" by Per Pippin Aspaas and László Kontler (Brill Academic Publishers, 2020)
Aspaas, P. P. (Contributor), Kontler, L. (Creator), Pataki, K. (Creator), Aspaas, P. P. (Contributor) & Norway, U. T. A. U. O. (Contributor), DataverseNO, 2019
DOI: 10.18710/cvw8yu,