Magyar 1994-es valasztasok – 1994-es valasztasok utan felmeres

  • Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Creator)
  • Gabor Toka (Creator)



Behavior at the polls, questions on the political system andsocio economic attitudes.Topics: Frequency of watching TV; watching news on TV; listen tonews on radio; reading newspapers; information about parties on TV;interests in politics; satisfaction with democracy; discussingpolitics; election participation and decision; reason for votingbehavior; party preference; winners of the elections; sympathyscale of parties; issue competency of the main parties; secondvote in 1994 and assumed winners of the elections; voting behaviorand intention in the second round of the elections; comparison ofthe prewar regime, the regime around 1975 and the present regime(scale); rights of the opposition and extreme groups; evaluationof the socio economic situation (scale); preference for progressiveor equal taxes; preference for inflation or unemployment; pace ofprivatization; privatization of large industrial enterprises,banks, hospitals, TV, state farms, power stations; efficiencyversus privatization; regulation of immigration, subsidizekindergartens; church influence on curricula; treatment ofagriculture; respect for authorities; censorship of magazines;guarantee current borders; influence of the trade unions, privatecompanies, government, president, parliament, internationalfinancial organizations and foreign companies; state's influenceon every day life; financial situation of one's own household ayear ago and assumed changes one year in future; economicsituation in Hungary in comparison to that a year ago; Inglehardindex; evaluation of the parties; opinion on joining the NATOand EU; Hungarian borders; preferred political system;attitudes to nationalism, abortion, influence of church andrestitution; inequality, help for economy, competent manager,human rights, environmental protection; health care, preservingmoral, abortion rights, nationalism, political stability,privatization, patriotism, democracy, Jews, media monopoly,TV and new bourgeoisie; restoration of communism; partyaffiliation of the family and friends; preferred premier;left-right self placement; liberal-conservative self placement;party membership present and before 1990; membership of socialorganizations; political participation; church attendance;confession; changes in occupational life; social selfplacement; application for restitution; gypsy; size of community.
Date made available1998
PublisherGESIS Data Archive
Date of data production1 May 1994
Geographical coverageHungary

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